Bula Kava House News

Judd Rench
Warming Kava Recipes for Cold Weather

Warming Kava Recipes for Cold Weather

A perfect cup of freshly prepared kava hits the spot any time of year. But if you’re in the colder climates of the Northern Hemisphere, a warm drink at the end of a chilly day might sound especially inviting.

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Judd Rench
Your Kava Buying Guide

Your Kava Buying Guide

Whether interested in trying kava or are an experienced kava enthusiast, it’s easy to look at the Bula online store and not know what to pick. The kava side effects the mind and body varies depending on the type you drink. Knowing what to expect when consuming a specific strain of kava can make your experience more enjoyable while also giving you a better idea of what exciting new kavas you should try. Let’s look at a few kavas from Bula and break down their potency and how they make you feel. Hopefully, you’ll find a new kava to love...

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Judd Rench
What Does Science Tell Us About Kava?

What Does Science Tell Us About Kava?

At Bula Kava House, we celebrate all things kava, including the wild and often mysterious origin of our favorite plant. If you read our Bula blog, you know that the origin of kava varies depending on which kava-producing country you visit. In Fiji, kava comes from a father’s sacrifice, while in Vanuatu it was bestowed as a gift from the gods. That kava remains shrouded in mystery creates even more mystique, adding a little magic to every sip. Of course, science does know a few things about kava. From its effects on the body to how it’s grown, let’s look...

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Judd Rench
Kava Buying 101

Kava Buying 101

When you buy kava online from Bula, you can feel confident knowing that we rigorously test every batch of kava that we sell. We do this to protect our customers and the farmers whose kava we purchase. Kava always varies in strength and quality, but it should never present a health risk to anyone, so testing is essential. As a consumer, you need to understand the different varieties so that you know what to expect from your purchase when you buy kava online. There are an estimated 80 different varieties of kava in Vanuatu alone. Fiji, Tonga, Hawaii, and the...

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