Bula Kava House News

Kava's "Roots"

Kava's "Roots"

The kava that is enjoyed today at kava bars and ceremonies throughout the South Pacific, and increasingly elsewhere, is known scientifically as piper methysticum, “piper” meaning “pepper” in latin, and “methysticum” meaning “intoxicating”. There are close to 100 different recognized types of kava plants that are typically used for drinking. The kava plants that are used today are thought to be something of a man made crop. It is believed that kava first grew in a wild form called piper wichmannii. When humans began to realize the intoxicating properties of piper wichmannii thousands of years ago they would replant the...

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What is Kava?

What is Kava?

First domesticated in Vanuatu thousands of years ago, "Kava" is the word used for the plant, root, and drink made from the root of piper methysticum. The kava drink is made by mixing water with ground root and straining out the liquid. Piper methysticum is the latin name for kava, meaning intoxicating pepper, and is closely related to the black pepper plant. Top 5 Kava Facts Traditionally used ceremonially, socially, medicinally, and for trade in much of the South Pacific especially in Melanesia and Micronesia Some of the best kava plants have been used a dowries and peace treaties in regions...

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