Bula Kava House News

Judd Rench
July Marks a Month Long Celebration in Fiji

July Marks a Month Long Celebration in Fiji

While summer officially starts a few weeks earlier, for many people the Fourth of July marks the beginning of the season. Fireworks, festivals, and live music provide all of the motivation many people need to get out of the house, enjoy the weather, and have some much needed fun. July has the reputation as a month of celebration here in the U.S., but other countries have their own ways of celebrating the season. In Fiji, the summer season offers a few notable festivals that are local to the island nation which serve to highlight Fijian culture through the celebration of...

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Judd Rench
Introducing Feo - Solomon Islands Kava That Packs a Punch

Introducing Feo - Solomon Islands Kava That Packs a Punch

Kava plays such an important role in so many different cultures around the world. By drinking kava, you can experience some small part of those cultures in places far removed from where the kava originated. Yet despite whatever the distance, the effort, care, and craft that goes into cultivating kava remains. This provides kava enthusiasts with the opportunity to gain new appreciation and respect for those cultures that take such enormous pride in creating some of the world’s greatest kavas with each drink. At Bula Kava House, we love having the opportunity to present new and exciting kavas to our...

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Judd Rench
Kava Essentials: 2 Kava Recipes to Make at Home You're Certain to Enjoy

Kava Essentials: 2 Kava Recipes to Make at Home You're Certain to Enjoy

As most kava enthusiasts can attest, overcoming kava’s taste represents one of the biggest challenges facing first time drinkers. For all of the wonderful benefits drinking kava can provide, noble varieties often have a pungent flavor that can provide quite the punch to the unprepared palette. Many first time visitors to our Portland kava bar have a hard time accepting the taste of pure kava, which makes them less likely to try kava again in the future. Fortunately, many experienced kava connoisseurs have tips and tricks for making their own favorite varieties of kava a little more palatable. Most use...

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Judd Rench
John Frum Day

John Frum Day

Nestled at the foot of the sacred mountain Yasur, on the island of Tanna, sits the village of Lamakara where a very American celebration takes place on February 15. Here men will dress in uniforms that resemble those worn by U.S. soldiers during the Second World War as they march through the streets toting sticks of bamboo that have been shaped to resemble rifles. Men, women, and children cheer and clap wildly as the de facto sergeant at arms proudly raises Old Glory to fly high above the tin-roofed cane huts that make up this tiny village.  They gather together...

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